Wednesday, March 31, 2010

During the same time my friend tried to convince me that i have to do my home works properly since i have not done my home work on that day. But i sain why would i trust you since you have not done your home work at all. This is just by throwing what he said to me back to him. This is also not a good way of reasoning and it cant be accepted as a reasoning or a good argument.
This is an example of Ad hominem Circumtantial. On Monday during lunch time My freind was trying to convince me that i should go to the Chines Ochestra. and i tried to Convince my other frend how i can actualy trust this guy by attacking his credibility by saying that he is a member of the club and he is trying to sell of the ticket. this is also bad reasoning...
This is an example of Ad hominem Abusive. am trying to convince my friend that the lecturer is wrong by attacking to the lecturer's charachter during his University and now as a Lecturer. these type of reasoning is not good and can not be accepted


Fallacies are arguments that we can not accept. The reason is that the resons or premise is not valid or not good enough to prove it. there are many types of Fallacies. This Time am Going to explain ebout the Ad Hominem Fellacy.

Ad Hominem fallacy occars when someone attacks another person verbly in an attemp to make others beleive his or her claim. There are mainly three types of Ad hominem Fallecy.

1. Ad Hominem Abusive: this type of fallacy attempt to attache another persons character

2. Ad Hominen Circumtantial: This type of fallacy attempts to attacke another person's credibility

3. Tu Quaque: This attempt to prove that someone as the same fault that he is accusing that the speaker of writer of having.
Plse Follow the next post for Examples

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today I want to Talk about Critical Thinking.
as the first part of my blog i wana introduce critical thinking to evryone.
Critical thinking is all about solving problems based on reasoning.
"critical thinking is the intellectualy diciplined process of avtively and skillfuly conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as guide to belief and action. in its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual valures that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevece, sound edidence, good reasons, depth breadth, and fairness." Defined by tha National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking, 1987 as statement by Michael Scriven & Richard Paul
Other Main terms
Claims: A Declaritive Sentence used in such a way that it is either true or false but not both
Argument: It is an attempt to convince someone that a paticular calim is true.
Premises: Reasons For Beleiving the Conclusion.
Important Links
withing Next week i will try to make all the readers aware of critical thiking with some live examples. Hope you will stay with me untill then.
By: Mohamed Humaid
A critical Thinker