Monday, April 5, 2010


All these time I have been talking about, reasons why statements cant bee accepted and it becomes invalid. Today i want to tell how you can make your statements strong and valid. there are many ways your can actualy make a statement strong. First of all try to eliminate all those mistakes that i have talked about earlier. This is the First step to make a statement valid and strong. Try to give good premises.

Apart from your premises there is a very important thing for you to remember, it is the suporting statements. A premise along may not be very powerfull, but along with a good strong support from a supporting statement, your arguments can realy get stronger than you can ever emagine. for Example "Buy shares of company XX. their profit is increasing year by year. Their according to the published accounting statements their profit has increae more than 100% during the last three years." this is much stronger than just saying, '' buy shares of company XX. their profit is increasing" without the supporting statement.

There are about 6 types of supporting statements.

They are
Definition: it is a statement that explains or stipulates how to use a word or a phrase.
Supporting argument: it elobrates the premises a little more
Assumptions: Tracing back the premise to a set of beleifs.
Evidence: This is the example i gave above. this is when you give statistical data or true facts to support your premise
Reference to Authority: giving refrence to some one who is in authority.
Anecdotes: it is when you use your own story or something you experience to suport you premises


Now Lets Have some Examples so that you can understand it more.

I will use the conclusio like... STOP SMOKING and premise is IT COUSE CENCER

Definition: smoking makes people to be ADICTED to it and which in turn increases NICOTIN level and finaly cousing Cencer.

Supporting Argument: smoking couses cancer to people. cencer is dangerose desease and is difficult to get cured.

Assumption: Smoking couses cencer. everyone beleives that most of people get cencer becouse of smoking.

Evidence: national statistics shows that 75% of Cencer is coused by smoking or who is exposed to smoking environment.

Reference to authority: Dr Thomas said that it is smoking which couses cancer to most of the people.

Anecdotes: let me tell you that, i have this friend who was smoking since 15 years old and now he is having lung cancer.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

most of the time you can find vague statements in advertisement like this. Vagueness occurs when the standard of words used is not clear and there are many vays of interpriting the words used. for Example here the word " simple" is too vague. how it is simple is not clear. it can be the cost is simple, or the rout of trevel is simple or the flight is confortable. when it is not clear it is called too vague in critical thinking. this type of statements are not very good way of conveying massages.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


As i promised yesterday I am goi to explain the remaining three type of Ad populum fallecies.

Ad populum appeal to common beleif:- Tris to persuade someone to beleive somthin becouse it is the way that the majority is beleiving.
Egg: You should vote for the current prime minister, all of us beleives he is the best. i you dont beleive it you cant be one of us.
here it is trying to make someone beleive somthing becouse the group bleives it rather than giving any real reason for it.

Ad populum appeal to common practice:- trying to persude someone to do somthin becouse evryone else is doin it so>
Egg: You shoul smoke, evryone here smokes.
tries to persuade someone to smoke just becouse evryone does it rather than givin any reason y he or she should smoke.

Ad populm appeal to tradition:- tries to persuade someone of something just becouse it has been the tradition.
Egg: you should go to fishing. it is what our farther and grand farther did for living.
tries to persuade someone to go fishing just becouse their farther did it and it is tradition. all these type of reasonin orgument is not good for reasning.

there are still many types of Fallacies but i will change my topic from tomorow onwards hopefully for somethin more interesting.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Now that we know what ad hominem fallacies are. Lets take a brief on Ad populum Fallacies. Ad populum fallacies attempt to persuade someone of somthing by appealing to their emotions or prejudices, rather than by giving the reasons that support the truth or falsity of the view.

there are many types of fallacies under this, i will just give a brief definition and an example for each.

1. Ad populum appeal to force:- it is an attempt ot persuafe someone of somthing by using force or threat of violence.

Egg: Son! You should go to class regularly or else you cant play the PS3. i am goin to take it from you.

here farther is trying to persuade his son to go classes regulary by using threat.

2. Ad populum appeal to pity:- This is an attempt to persuade someone of something by evoking pity or sympathy with their situation.

Egg: You cant Expell John from the University. He is the Only son of the Poor Farmer and their dreams for him is sky high. think what will they feel if they are to know that you expelles their only son from the University.

here the writter is trying to persuade not to expelle john usin pity as a reason. this is not a good way of reasoning and is not acceptable.

3. Ad populum appeal to shame:- It is an attempt to persuade someone of something by embarrasing or making him or her feel unconfortable about being wrong.

Egg: You should not joing X&Y foot ball club. It is a shame that they were the bigest looser during the last season.

here the reader is trying to make the reader shamefull to joing the club rather than making good reasons.

4. Ad populum appeal to vanity:- It is an attempt to persuade someone of somthing by using irrelevent flirtering words to the truth of an idea or validity of a position.

Egg: You are so handsome... Look at that muscles of your body.. I like you so much. Can you take mee to the Avatar movie this weekend.

Here a girl is trying to persuade a guy, to take her to the movies just by flirtering him rather than giving any reason why he should take her to movie.

5. Ad populum appeal to authority:- here it tries to persuade people just by refering to other people even if they are not relevent to the topic.

Egg. use should stop investing in stock exchange market.. my foot ball coach said that there will be a collapse in stock market in a near future.

the writer is trying to persuade the reader by refering to his foot ball coach who is not relevent to the topic at all.

6. Ad pupulum appeal to indirect sonsequences:- it attempts to persuade others by using irrelevent harmfull consequence. for example if somthin heppens this and that will happen.

Egg; If you dont go to classes regulary you will fail the exam. and when you fai examp you will have to leave the school and when you leave the school withou proper education you cant get a job and you will end up on the road without even a wife.

this is a good example of using consequenses wchich is not even prooved.

7. Ad pupulum appeal to false dilemma:- This attempts to persuade people by saying that there is no much option and one option is realy horrible and hides evry other options available.

Egg: you shoould stay in hostel or else you will have to forget on University education as there is no other place near by.

Trying to persuade the person to stay in hostel by hiding other all the other optios available to him.

8. Ad pupulum appeal to spite:- tries to make somthin right becouse somthin that someone did is wrong.

Egg: It's not bad for you to date his girl friend, after all he used to date your girl friend last year so that you had to break up with her.

Thats All for today and I will explain the following fallecies very soon...

Thank you..

Ad populum appeal to common belief

Ad populum appeal to common practice

Ad populum appeal to tradition