Monday, April 5, 2010


All these time I have been talking about, reasons why statements cant bee accepted and it becomes invalid. Today i want to tell how you can make your statements strong and valid. there are many ways your can actualy make a statement strong. First of all try to eliminate all those mistakes that i have talked about earlier. This is the First step to make a statement valid and strong. Try to give good premises.

Apart from your premises there is a very important thing for you to remember, it is the suporting statements. A premise along may not be very powerfull, but along with a good strong support from a supporting statement, your arguments can realy get stronger than you can ever emagine. for Example "Buy shares of company XX. their profit is increasing year by year. Their according to the published accounting statements their profit has increae more than 100% during the last three years." this is much stronger than just saying, '' buy shares of company XX. their profit is increasing" without the supporting statement.

There are about 6 types of supporting statements.

They are
Definition: it is a statement that explains or stipulates how to use a word or a phrase.
Supporting argument: it elobrates the premises a little more
Assumptions: Tracing back the premise to a set of beleifs.
Evidence: This is the example i gave above. this is when you give statistical data or true facts to support your premise
Reference to Authority: giving refrence to some one who is in authority.
Anecdotes: it is when you use your own story or something you experience to suport you premises


Now Lets Have some Examples so that you can understand it more.

I will use the conclusio like... STOP SMOKING and premise is IT COUSE CENCER

Definition: smoking makes people to be ADICTED to it and which in turn increases NICOTIN level and finaly cousing Cencer.

Supporting Argument: smoking couses cancer to people. cencer is dangerose desease and is difficult to get cured.

Assumption: Smoking couses cencer. everyone beleives that most of people get cencer becouse of smoking.

Evidence: national statistics shows that 75% of Cencer is coused by smoking or who is exposed to smoking environment.

Reference to authority: Dr Thomas said that it is smoking which couses cancer to most of the people.

Anecdotes: let me tell you that, i have this friend who was smoking since 15 years old and now he is having lung cancer.


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