Saturday, April 3, 2010


As i promised yesterday I am goi to explain the remaining three type of Ad populum fallecies.

Ad populum appeal to common beleif:- Tris to persuade someone to beleive somthin becouse it is the way that the majority is beleiving.
Egg: You should vote for the current prime minister, all of us beleives he is the best. i you dont beleive it you cant be one of us.
here it is trying to make someone beleive somthing becouse the group bleives it rather than giving any real reason for it.

Ad populum appeal to common practice:- trying to persude someone to do somthin becouse evryone else is doin it so>
Egg: You shoul smoke, evryone here smokes.
tries to persuade someone to smoke just becouse evryone does it rather than givin any reason y he or she should smoke.

Ad populm appeal to tradition:- tries to persuade someone of something just becouse it has been the tradition.
Egg: you should go to fishing. it is what our farther and grand farther did for living.
tries to persuade someone to go fishing just becouse their farther did it and it is tradition. all these type of reasonin orgument is not good for reasning.

there are still many types of Fallacies but i will change my topic from tomorow onwards hopefully for somethin more interesting.

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